Blog | Means Advisor
06Mar 2020

Open University introduces advanced Entrepreneurship programmes

The Advanced Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management was initiated with a view to developing a methodical, theoretical knowledge in managing business successfully, thereby enabling them to make a vital contribution for the development of the country.

Sri Lanka, as a developing country has taken tremendous efforts in enhancing the contribution of the entrepreneurs to the national economy. Irrespective of the business climate around, however most small and medium sized entrepreneurs have failed, suffered from slow growth and occasionally faded away from the industry due to the inadequate knowledge in managing their business efficiently and effectively. The programme is designed to equip the student with all the essential knowledge required as an entrepreneur while encouraging him or her to plan studies at his or her own pace through the Open and Distance Learning we provide at The Open University.

This programme consists of eight courses including a project report, designed in a way that enhances the theoretical knowledge of the learners while developing their entrepreneurial attitudes and skills.

The ESBM programme is conducted in Sinhalese Tamil and English media. The academic members of the FMS will guide the students when preparing the project report enlightening on how to develop a business venture proposal. Those students who successfully complete the programme will qualify to gain admission to the Bachelor of Management Studies (Hons) Degree programme without sitting for the admission test.

The Ladder of Opportunity starts from ESBM FMS provides a ladder of opportunities for the students in strengthening the lifelong learning online line with the Open Distance Learning (ODL) methodology which begins with the ESBM programme.


Who can Benefit? The FMS primarily focus on offering programmes for those who have not had an opportunity of obtaining a structured academic learning on Management in higher studies. This is mainly because FMS not only provides opportunity for the students from commerce stream but also extended opens its doors to students who are from other streams as well.

The students of the ESBM programme established the society Hasaralla, a CSR initiative with the theme of “in search of humanity”. This project was initiated with the intention to develop project management skills of the students while enhancing the cohesiveness among them by engaging in these activities. The financial contributions to fund the projects were received from the students themselves as well as from the sponsorships received from the corporate sector.

Thus, ESBM is a starting point to develop as an entrepreneur and to reach many more horizons in the field of Management studies.