
Means Advisor | Services | Tax Consultancy

Tax Consultancy

Our Firm remains one of the best providers of Tax in view of the fact that all our Partners were co-pioneers of Tax Consultancy in the country which has resulted in the field performance. Our activities have created a tax compliance awareness among tax payers and tax agents and general public at large. Our deployment of IT tools for these assignments made a lot of difference such as our social media, magazine etc.

Our firm's tax practice provides clients with a complete range of tax services, incorporating sound, reflective business and financial advice.

Registration of entities with the Tax Authority

Computation of taxes relevant to business and filing returns with the Tax Authority

Computation & filing of personal taxes

Reporting compliance with requirements of local tax laws – (VAT, WHT, TDL, PL and SD etc..)

Advising on technical aspects of local tax laws to prospective investors

Tax due diligence for mergers and acquisitions

Designing and implementation of internal mechanism for tax compliance

Formulating strategies for tax optimization

Assistance to finalize tax issues, appealing and following up with the Tax Authority

Advising on operation and implication of transfer pricing

Tax services for expatriates

Advising on Double Tax Agreements

Prospective Aspects

We view tax consulting as the "prospective" aspect of our tax practice. We automatically combine the preparation of clients' annual tax returns with inquiries, observations, and suggestions about items that emerge during the preparation process. We are committed to being proactive about our clients' tax concerns.